Weekly Astrology Forecast - Nov. 9-15, 2020
Hello there friends,
The old skin of illusion is shed this week as Selene wanes toward the New Moon in the 3rd decan of Scorpio. An opposition from both Venus and Mars in their respective domiciles challenges us to hold the duality of both the specter of war and the promise of peace. Allowing anger to exhaust itself, while maintaining a stoic reserve, can help facilitate the healing process, and tip the scales towards harmony.
“Emotional baggage is like the dead skin of a snake. If you don’t shed it, how can you grow emotionally?”
― Khang Kijarro Nguyen
Topics discussed include CONSTELLATIONS: LIBRA, SERPENTIS, CENTAURUS, FIXED STARS: ZUBEN ELSCHEMALI, UNUKALHAI, HADAR, VENUS opposite MARS Rx, SUN opposite NEPTUNE Rx, MERCURY in SCORPIO I, SUN in SCORPIO III, JUPITER conjunct PLUTO, MARS DIRECT, VENUS in LIBRA III, SUN sextile PLUTO, SUN sextile JUPITER, NEW MOON in SCORPIO III, VENUS square PLUTO, TAROT: V of CUPS, IV of SWORDS, VII of CUPS #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #capricorn #aries #libra #scorpio #venus #mercury #sun #mars #saturn #marsdirect #newmoon #tarot #decans #fixedstars #traditionalastrology #mythology
.Introduction – 00:00
Planetary Condition – 9:21
Monday – 35:22
Tuesday – 40:44
Wednesday – 51:15
Thursday – 59:40
Friday – 1:09:20
Saturday – 1:27:03
Sunday – 1:31:03
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