Weekly Astrology Forecast - Nov. 2-8, 2020

Hello there friends,

Mercury stations direct this week, simultaneously emerging from the underworld as the morning star on election day. A concentration of mercurial destabilization could threaten our mental equilibrium as we attempt to gift the crown of power to our chosen political avatars. A late week square from Mercury to Saturn asks us to delay the gratification of Venusian harmony. Endurance is the key, as we hold space for ambiguity and accept that time must inform the process.


Endurance is the crowning quality, and patience all the passion of great hearts.”
James Russell Lowell


Topics discussed include CONSTELLATIONS: CRUX, CORONA BOREALIS, COMA BERENICES, CORVUS, VIRGO, LIBRA, FIXED STARS: ACRUX, ALPHECCA, DIADEM, VINDEMIATRIX, ZUBEN ELGENUBI, ALGORAB, MERCURY DIRECT, MORNING STAR MERCURY, MERCURY square SATURN, VENUS in LIBRA II, LAST QUARTER MOON, TAROT: III of SWORDS #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #capricorn #aries #taurus #virgo #libra #scorpio #venus #mercury #sun #mars #saturn #marsretrograde #mercurydirect #lastquartermoon #tarot #decans #fixedstars #traditionalastrology #mythology



Introduction – 00:00 

Planetary Condition – 4:28 

Monday – 34:09 

Tuesday – 36:47 

Wednesday – 53:20 

Thursday – 1:09:02 

Friday – 1:16:01 

Saturday – 1:25:04 

Sunday – 1:32:19


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