Weekly Astrology Forecast - July 27 - August 2, 2020

Hello there friends,
Active skies this week as Mercury takes its turn staring into the void, opposing the plethora of planets visiting Capricorn, while also facing off with a spicy Mars in Aries. Solar tensions continue to rise as the Moon makes a challenging first quarter square on Monday, while Uranus attempts to gore the king from the domicile of the bull as we continue to wax towards our weekend. Despots beware.
When you mess with the bull, you get the horns.” - English Proverb 
Topics discussed include CONSTELLATIONS: ORION, AURIGA, HERCULES, FIXED STARS: BELLATRIX, CAPELLA, EL NATH, CASTOR, POLLUX, FIRST QUARTER MOON, JUPITER Rx sextile NEPTUNE Rx, VENUS square NEPTUNE Rx, MERCURY square MARS, MERCURY in CANCER III, MERCURY opposite JUPITER rx, MERCURY trine NEPTUNE, MERCURY opposite PLUTO Rx, SUN square URANUS, SUN in LEO II, TAROT: V of WANDS, V of CUPS, VI of WANDS, VI of PENTACLES #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #capricorn #aries #gemini #cancer #leo #mercury #jupiter #mars #neptune #pluto #uranus #firstquartermoon #tarot #decans #fixedstars #traditionalastrology #mythology
Introduction – 00:00 
Planetary Condition – 5:57 
Monday – 24:27 
Tuesday – 47:00 
Wednesday – 57:00 
Thursday – 1:04:30 
Friday – 1:17:15 
Saturday – 1:18:17 
Sunday – 1:28:10
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