Weekly Astrology Forecast - April 27 - May 3, 2020

Hello there friends,
The winged messenger lends his destabilizing uncertainty to the domicile of the bull this week as Mercury leaves Aries for the fixed earth of Taurus, immediately entering into a square with Saturn and then conjoining Uranus. Questions and conflicts regarding pride vs. practicality attempt to shake up our spring planning as we are asked to rise to the challenge of a first-quarter moon. Regardless of personal leonine desires, Saturn, true to form, may have the final word. 
Topics discussed include MERCURY in TAURUS, MERCURY square SATURN, FIRST QUARTER MOON, MERCURY conjunct URANUS, VENUS square NEPTUNE, TAROT, V of PENTACLES, VI of PENTACLES, V of SWORDS, X of SWORDS, VII of SWORDS, TEMPERANCE, I-CHING #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #capricorn #aquarius #aries # taurus #gemini #pisces #firstquartermoon #mercury #saturn #mars #neptune #uranus #tarot #decans 

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