Weekly Astrology Forecast - Mar. 30 - Apr. 5, 2020

Hello there friends,
We begin our week with feelings of accelerated isolation as the two malefics, Mars and Saturn, come together in the first decan of Aquarius. Hierarchical corruption could hit a peak toward the end of the week as Jupiter perfects it's conjunction with Pluto, asking us to compost the old king to make way for a more egalitarian future. 

Topics discussed include VENUS conjunct ALGOL, MARS in AQUARIUS, MARS conjunct SATURN, FIRST QUARTER MOON, VENUS in GEMINI, MERCURY conjunct NEPTUNE, VENUS trine SATURN, MALEFIC ENCLOSURE, JUPITER conjunct PLUTO, TAROT, V of SWORDS, III of WANDS #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #aries #venus #mercury #saturn #jupiter #mars #pluto #firstquartermoon #tarot #decans #saturninaquarius

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