Weekly Astrology Forecast - December 2-8, 2019

Hello there friends,
This week we witness a major planetary shift as Jupiter, the greater benefic, leaves its home temple of Sagittarius and ingresses into its fall in the Saturn-ruled domicile of Capricorn. This outer planet transition will set the stage for our year ahead, which promises perhaps, a sobering look at our dreams, economy & thrift, and benefit through good, old-fashioned hard work. 

Topics discussed include JUPITER IN CAPRICORN, MERCURY sextile PLUTO, VENUS sextile MARS, FIRST QUARTER MOON, SUN square NEPTUNE, VENUS sextile NEPTUNE, TAROT, II of PENTACLES, III of PENTACLES, IV of PENTACLES #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #capricorn #jupiter #jupiterincapricorn #saturn #venus #moon #mercury #neptune #tarot

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