Weekly Astrology Forecast - Dec. 9-15, 2019

Hello there friends,
This week we see the Moon waxing to fullness in the sign of Gemini, while opposing it's exiled host Mercury in the jovial domicile of the archer. Words can become weapons in this heighten emotional state, so choose carefully. 

Topics discussed include JUPITER IN CAPRICORN, MERCURY in SAGITTARIUS, VENUS conjunct SATURN, FULL MOON in GEMINI, MARS trine NEPTUNE, VENUS conjunct PLUTO, JUPITER trine URANUS, TAROT, IX of WANDS, IX of SWORDS #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #fullmoon #sagittarius #capricorn #jupiter #mars #saturn #venus #moon #mercury #pluto #neptune #tarot

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