Weekly Astrology Forecast - Dec. 23-29, 2019

Hello there friends,
A new chapter is begun as the New Moon Solar eclipse in Capricorn sets the tone for the coming months ahead. This lunation's tight conjunction with Jupiter and co-presence with Ketu, the south node, suggests the juggling act required by the natural cycles of growth and decay. As the wise late 90's prophets, Semisonic once sang, “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end”.

Topics discussed include SUN trine URANUS, BALSAMIC MOON, NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE, KETU, SUN conjunct JUPITER, JUPITER CAZIMI, MERCURY in SAGITTARIUS III, MERCURY in CAPRICORN I, VENUS in AQUARIUS II, MOON UNDER THE BOND, TAROT, II of PENTACLES, X of WANDS, VI of SWORDS, TAOISM #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #newmoon #solareclipse #capricorn #aquarius #saturn #venus #moon #mercury #tarot #jupitercazimi #taoism #closingtime

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