Weekly Astrology Forecast - Oct. 21-27, 2019

Hello there friends,
Welcome to Scorpio season as we witness both the Sun's ingress into the fixed water sign of the Scorpion and a New Moon opposite Uranus at the end of the week. In the immortal words of Tears for Fears: “Break it down again, No more sleepy dreaming, No more building up, It is time to dissolve, Break it down again, No more sleepy dreaming” What needs to decay and be composted in your life to eventually fuel new life? 

Topics discussed include LAST QUARTER MOON, SUN in SCORPIO, VENUS trine NEPTUNE, VENUS sextile PLUTO, NEW MOON in SCORPIO, MARS in LIBRA, VENUS in SCORPIO, MUTUAL RECEPTION, MARS square SATURN, TAROT, V of CUPS, VII of CUPS #astrology #weeklyforecast #horoscope #libra #scorpio #venus #mars #saturn #neptune #newmoon #tearsforfears

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Tears for Fears – Break it Down Again: https://youtu.be/ZA1rWLsl-Dg

Jim Dethmer – Leading Above the Line: https://fs.blog/jim-dethmer/

Book a reading: spencermichaudastrology@gmail.com

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